
Minor in Computer Science

Mathematics and Computer Science

Mathematics and Computer Science Minor in Computer Science and enhance your tech skills

The minor in Computer Science consists of at least 20 credits in CS courses approved by the advisor, which must include:

Course Descriptions

  • Evolution of hardware and software. Problem analysis and algorithm development. Data types, control structures, subprograms, scope, and recursion. Prerequisite: MAT 109.

  • Programming methodology. Data abstraction. Classes and class templates. Inheritance and polymorphism. Search techniques. Algorithm complexity. Windows programming and applications programming interface (API). Prerequisites: CS 231 and MAT 110.

  • Algorithm analysis. Abstract data types. Techniques for the implementation of abstract data types, such as arrays, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, and graphs. Sorting. Prerequisite: CS 232 and MAT 253.

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