
Course Descriptions

Organizational Leadership, EdD

Organizational Leadership, EdD Course Descriptions

Leadership Core Courses (15 Credits)

  • Describes theories of leadership, studies the relationship between leadership style and organizational change, and examines the implementation process of a leader's vision.



  • This course provides ethical frameworks and components in leadership experiences in both education systems and public service organizations. It provides opportunities to interpret, apply, and evaluate theoretical frameworks, resources for choices, and impacts of decisions.



  • Explores organizational theories and development from a leadership perspective with a focus on change within organizations, groups, and individuals.



  • Studies psychological and organizational paradigms associated with learning of a collective whole. Examines the implications and challenges for learning brought about by the changing nature of work and global competition. Focuses on processes and procedures for achieving organizational learning through information distribution and interpretation, making meaning and organizational memory.



  • Approaches to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Across Organizations. in This three-credit doctoral-level is one of five Core courses for students pursuing the EdD in Organizational Leadership with specializations in Higher Education Administration and Human Resource Development. The course is also offered as part of the EdD in Transformational School Leadership. The course prepares doctoral students to analyze the constructs of race, ethnicity, culture, gender, ability, and sexual orientation and explore the current tensions across organizations and postsecondary institutions through the framing of a problem in an organization, as it relates to any of these constructs, through the development of a literature review.



Scholar-Practitioner Inquiry Core Courses (18 Credits)

  • Practitioner Inquiry I is the initial course of five courses in the inquiry sequence that introduces students to Problems of Practice through a variety of educational research and evaluation perspectives, approaches, and methods. This course provides a foundation for further participatory action research (PAR) and return on investment evaluation.





  • This course serves as part of students' introduction to the practitioner inquiry framework with a focus on research paradigms and specific theories, vis-脿-vis gaining an understanding of applied research within the context of educational institutions and/or organizations.



  • This course will help students utilize inquiry practice to determine what quantitative tools and theories can be used to develop solutions to problems of practice. Students will use and apply quantitative research and assessment data to make inferences, judgments and predictions about educational or human resource development outcomes and change. Prerequisites: EDU 7XX Inquiry I, EDU 7XX Inquiry II, EDU 7XX Inquiry III, EDU 781 Inquiry IV.



  • This course provides a critical analysis of qualitative methods of inquiry for the human sciences to facilitate the understanding of the aims, processes and outcomes of these methods.



  • Analyzes performance issues and examines techniques and methods for improving performance.



  • Analyzes performance issues and examines techniques and methods for improving performance.




    Take HSE-705 HSE-707 HSE-706 or HSE-708

Dissertation in Practice Seminar Courses (6 Credits Minimum)

  • This is the first of two capstone courses that together will provide a field-based action learning opportunity to analyze problems of practice using multiple frames to develop meaningful solutions. Similar to the dissertation, the Capstone Project should be a demonstration of the student's ability to perform disciplined inquiry in accordance with traditional standards for doctoral performance.



  • This is the first of two courses that together provide a field-based action research learning opportunity to analyze a problem of practice within the student's organizational context using an improvement science process toward developing meaningful solutions. This course should be a demonstration of the student's ability to perform disciplined inquiry in accordance with traditional standards for doctoral level performance. Prerequisite: Comprehensive Exam.



  • This is the second of two capstone courses that together will provide a field-based action learning opportunity to analyze problems of practice using multiple frames to develop meaningful solutions. Similar to the dissertation, the Capstone Project should be a demonstration of the student's ability to perform disciplined inquiry and in accordance with traditional standards for doctoral performance.



  • This is the second of two courses that together will provide a field-based action learning opportunity to analyze problems of practice using multiple frames to develop meaningful solutions. Similar to the dissertation, the Capstone Project should be a demonstration of the student's ability to perform disciplined inquiry and in accordance with traditional standards for doctoral performance.



  • Enrollment is required after the completion of ADL 798 and 799 each semester until the dissertation is successfully defended.




    Take DHR-799

  • Enrollment is required after the completion of ADL 798 and 799 each semester until the dissertation is successfully defended.




    Take DHR-799

HED Specialization Courses (15 Credits)

  • Participatory Action Research (PAR) is one of several traditions within the context of Action Research. PAR is an approach or orientation that calls for stakeholders/researchers within, or outside an educational institution, or organization, to focus on a specific problem of practice and identify possible interventions through ongoing collaboration, while underscoring their positionality in the setting. As such, the goal of PAR is to assume an inquiry stance that is systematic and cyclical toward continuous improvement.



  • Analysis of colleges and universities as social organizations with special emphasis on issues of administration, organization, and leadership in higher education.



  • Analyzes the legal structure of higher education including religion, academic freedom, employment, due process, student's rights, desegregation, tort liability, and other current issues.



  • Analyzes the legal structure of higher education including religion, academic freedom, employment, due process, student's rights, desegregation, tort liability, and other current issues.



DHR Specialization Courses (15 credits)

  • Uses team building, group dynamics, and interpersonal sensitivity to motivate and inspire individuals and groups to work toward common goals.



  • Examines the principles, practices and research of training program evaluations. Prepares students to design and conduct evaluation of HRD interventions.



  • Examines current research issues, theories and models in DHR and implications for practitioners. Students will lead discussions and present papers on topics of their primary interest. Prerequisites: DHR-711 DHR-719 DHR-728 DHR-644.




    Take DHR-711 DHR-719 DHR-728 DHR-644

Elective Courses (3 credits)

  • Examines the principles, practices and research of training program evaluations. Prepares students to design and conduct evaluation of HRD interventions.

  • This course will assist students in developing a framework for acceptable academic writing. As such, students will be engaged in evaluating journal articles; developing a topical outline in relation to their topic of interest and/or research question; and writing a literature review in preparation for dissertation work and/or specific publications.

  • No info

  • Provides opportunities to apply a systemic planning process, examine approaches to policy development and program implementation, and analyze evaluation procedures.

Students may take one of the elective courses at the discretion of the program director or the assigned academic advisor.

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