

Nursing (BSN) Traditional Option

Nursing (BSN) Traditional Option Prerequisites

  • ENG 111/112: English Composition and Research
  • SPE 101: Fundamentals of Speech
  • BIO 220: Introductory Human Anatomy (with lab)
  • BIO 240: Introduction to Human Physiology (with lab)
  • BIO 253: Introductory Microbiology (with lab)
  • MAT 152: Elementary Probability & Statistics
  • PSY 281: Introduction to Psychology
  • PSY聽283: Developmental Psychology
  • SOS: Any History, Economics, Geography, Political Science
  • PHI: Philosophy Distribution
  • PHI 353: Bio-Medical Ethics
  • THE: Theology Distribution
  • HUM and ARTS: Humanities and Arts Distribution (9 credits)
  • CS 180: Introduction to Computers

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